Types of Fertilizers for Your Different Needs

Remember how we crave different delicacies, either for taste or for nutrition, or sometimes flavor? Well, it's just not us who are enslaved to our needs. Your plants and crops also require proper nutrition from time to time to maintain their health, fertility, and nutrient profile. But what troubles us the most is that, unlike humans, plants can't speak for themselves and hence the onus falls on us to decode their needs and to give them a proper environment for their healthy growth and nourishment. 

This brings us to a rather interesting question, how? Markets are flooded with fertilizers from organics to inorganics, from urea-based to nitrogen-based to ammonia dominant. How do we cherry-pick the fertilizer for our needs? 

In the article below, we explore the various types of fertilizer available and their required application.

Organic Fertilizers

Organic Fertilizer, as the name suggests, are made specifically from plant and animal products and hence can cost more due to their superior properties but lack of chemicals. Composed of manure and moss, organic fertilizers can provide your soil with better moisture retention and permeability. It is most suitable to improve the comprehensive soil profile. These fertilizers are known to be more environmentally friendly but, if used in excess can support weed growth hence, it's application must be regulated.  

Nitrogen Fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizers are a type of inorganic micronutrient fertilizer known to deliver nitrogen in various forms such as ammonia, nitrates, etc. Nitrogen is known-to-be an important constituent of chlorophyll and hence promotes food production in plants assisting in their plant growth. Nitrogen fertilizer is also known to maintain soil health and permeability with a greater presence of nitrogen to sufficient uptake to nodules. However consumed in excess, nitrogen is also prone to changing the pH of the soil, proving detrimental to plant growth. 

Phosphorous Fertilizers

Phosphorous as an element is not available in gaseous form. Hence plants depend solely upon soil for the uptake of phosphorous. Phosphorous as a Micronutrient Fertilizer can help to improve plant root growth and hence allow them to uptake nutrients from deep down into the soil. Not only this but phosphorous can also play a key role in improving plant leaf and flower attraction by intensifying colors.

While fertilizers are not limited to the above three types. The inclination of any fertilizer product to the above ingredient tells you about the goal it can best guide you towards. Hence when you walk into the parlous next time, keep the above points in mind and make sure, you align it with what your soil needs.


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